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  • Filtre for math subjectMaths
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    • 2BAC SM Maroc
    • Analyse
      • Suites numériques
      • Limite et continuité
      • Dérivation et étude de fonctions
      • Primitives et EDL
      • Calcul intégral
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  • Filtre for math subjectPhysique-Chimie
  • Filtre for math subjectCorrigés de BAC
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  • Filtre for math subjectRévisions Maths lycée
  • Filtre for math subject Tous les sujets
  • Filtre for math subjectMaths
    • Nombres et calculs
    • Géométrie
    • Fonctions
    • Stats et Probas
    • Première
    • Analyse
    • Géométrie
    • Probas et Stats
    • Terminale
    • Analyse (spé)
    • Géométrie (spé)
    • Probabilités (spé)
    • Arithmétique (exp)
    • Complexes (exp)
    • 2BAC SM Maroc
    • Analyse
      • Suites numériques
      • Limite et continuité
      • Dérivation et étude de fonctions
      • Primitives et EDL
      • Calcul intégral
    • Algèbre
    • Analyse
    • Algèbre
    • Probabilités
  • Filtre for math subjectPhysique-Chimie
  • Filtre for math subjectCorrigés de BAC
  • Filtre for math subjectPrépa Examens
  • Filtre for math subjectRévisions Maths lycée

Polynôme × exponentielle

This is a transcription of a video class discussing the concept of finding the primitive of a function. The speaker starts by explaining that when dealing with exponential functions, a common rule is that the primitive of a polynomial multiplied by an exponential function will likely be a polynomial of the same degree multiplied by the exponential function. They then provide an example using a second-degree polynomial to demonstrate this concept. Next, they address the question of finding f'(-1), stating that f'(-1) is equal to f(-1) since f is defined as the primitive of f'. They move on to the next question, which asks to express f'(x) in terms of a and b. Using the derivative rule, they derive f'(x) as the product of e^x, a, and b. Moving on to the third question, they are asked to demonstrate that the expression obtained in the previous question holds for all x in the set of real numbers. They explain that in order for the two polynomials to be equal, the coefficients in front of x^2, x, and the constant term must be the same. By identifying the coefficients and solving the corresponding equations, they find that a is equal to -1 and b is equal to 3. Finally, they express f'(x) as -x + 3 - x^2 + 3x - 2x.

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